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Çiftehavuzlar/İstanbul ︎ 1998 ︎Construction Area: 7.550 m2 ︎ Site: 16.300 m2 ︎ Education ︎ Elvan Uluutku, Nevzat Sayın, Sibel Özdoğan

We envisioned the school, which shares the site with the kindergarten, as a cohesive whole, designed as a huge 'hall'—a large, versatile space with units that can be separated by simple partitions for various uses. This spacious area, with its adaptable partitions, offers a bright, calm environment resembling the outdoors, where anything we desire can exist—a "void" that can transform into anything we need.To establish and maintain a sense of order, we designed an interior space based on subtle axes that remain unnoticed unless observed yet become easily comprehensible when seen. This creates a quiet and static ambiance, harmoniously complemented by the activities taking place within.
    The appearance from behind contrasts with the chaotic surroundings, resembling a closed box made of simple geometric forms. The pristine shell covering the roof emphasizes its outwardly closed appearance and sense of protection. Inside, the structure is almost nonexistent. The full-length glass surfaces of the classrooms, balconies in front of them, and transparent walls facing the inner corridor are significant factors that promote fluidity between spaces and towards the outside. We believe that this transparency and continuity, completed with a corridor open to the Marmara Sea, are important within the definition of a school.
    The view from the buildings immediately behind the school,the chaotic surrounding juxtaposes with the school resembling a closed box made of simple geometric forms. The pristine shell covering the roof emphasizes its outwardly closed appearance and sense of protection. Inside, the structure is almost nonexistent. The floor-to-ceiling glass surfaces of the classrooms, the balconies in front of them, and the transparent walls facing the inner corridor are significant factors that promote fluidity between spaces and towards the outside. We believe that this transparency and continuity, completed with a corridor open to the Marmara Sea, are important in defining a school.


Aynı arazi içinde yer alan iki eski yapı, önceden var olan bir ilkokul, tenis kulübü, tenis kortları, sık ağaç dokusu, yeni yapılacak lise, Cemil Topuzlu Caddesi ve Marmara Denizi’ni bir arada düşündüğümüzde, anaokulunun yeri için neredeyse tek seçenek vardı. Ana girişten başlayıp denize uzanan ağaçlı yolun üzerinde, yolun içinden denize ulaşmasını engellemeyen bir yapıydı yerin istediği. Plan şeması, gerekli boyutların ağaçların arasına, onlara dokunmadan yerleşme çabasıyla kendisiliğinden belirlendi. Yaş gruplarına göre ayrılmış yirmi beş kişilik iki derslik, istendiğinde tek mekâna dönüştürülebiliyor. Kullanım amacına uygun olarak yatay düzlemde oluşturulan parçalanmışlık, şeffaflaştırılmış düşey düzlemlerle, mekânların bütünlüğüne dönüşüyor.